Swim Library

Show Off Your Waterworks T-Shirt – Win Prizes!

Have you taken fun pictures of you or your children in their Waterworks T-Shirts? We would love to see and share those pictures with other families at Waterworks. Bring in pictures of you or your child in their Waterworks T-Shirt and we will post them on our new Travel Board located in our lobby!

 To make things more exciting we will also be holding a contest each month for best picture taken based on the theme that month. The theme for the month of March will be “Coolest Picture with your Friends” while wearing your Waterworks T-Shirt.  One winner will receive a free snow cone and dive into the treasure chest!  Future themes will be posted beside the board, so you will know in advance the themes for upcoming months.

 We hope you enjoy this fun and spirited new addition to our facility.  We look forward to seeing your pictures! Feel free to drop them off at our front desk!