Carlsbad Swim Clinics for
Faster Swim Starts and Flip Turns

Improve Swim Race Times

Competitive swimmers in the Carlsbad and North San Diego County areas can continue to improve upon their swim race times with our 60-minute Dives and Turns Clinics. These classes concentrate on speeding up swim starts and increasing efficiency of flip and open turns. Dives and Turns Clinics focus on the starts and turns associated with all 4 competitive swim strokes. Competitive swimmers are encouraged to take the clinic frequently to keep their skills sharp. Clinics are taught by an instructor with a strong competitive swimming background. Participants for these clinics must be 5 years or older and level 7 or higher. Please review your child's level with our front office if you are unsure.

Carlsbad Dives and Turns Clinic schedule

Price Per Session $40